Teak Timber Phuket is committed to the responsible sourcing of forest products. Our long-term intention is that all timber used in products that we purchase or specify is sourced from well-managed forests that have been certified to credible certification standards and/or are from post-consumer recycled materials.
This commitment will be realized through a stepwise approach to responsible sourcing that uses the best available techniques and information.
This organization will not source products containing timber, fibre, and other raw materials if the following apply :
❁ The source forest is known or suspected of containing high conservation values, except where the forest is certified or in progress to certification under a credible certification system or the forest manager can otherwise demonstrate that the forest and/or surrounding landscape is managed to ensure those values are maintained.
❁ The source forest is being actively converted from natural forest to a plantation or other land use, unless the conversion is justified on grounds of net social and environmental gain, including the enhancement of high conservation values in the surrounding landscape.
❁ The material was illegally harvested or traded.
❁ The material was traded in a way that drives violent armed conflict or threatens national or regional stability (i.e. what is commonly called conflict timber).
❁ The harvesting or processing entity, or a related political or military regime, is violating human, civil and traditional rights.
❁ The material is sourced from genetically modified trees.
❁ The source forest is unknown.
To ensure that these goals are achieved, this organization will :
❁ Scrutinize all suppliers of forest products for all purchases of goods for resale, not for resale and in all new construction activities.
❁ Seek information on the source of the wood, fiber or other forest materials in the products we harvest and the circumstances under which they were harvested.
❁ Seek information on the chain of custody of the forest products we purchase, including the circumstances under which they were manufactured and traded.
❁ Evaluate chain-of-custody information against this policy and supporting operational procedures.
❁ Continually improve the level of compliance with these policies, using annual reviews, reports, and actions agreed upon with our suppliers.
❁ Work with and encourage suppliers and forest sources that are actively engaged in a process of time-bound, transparent, stepwise commitment to credible certification (such as WWF’s Global Forest & Trade Network participants in producer countries).
❁ Work with key stakeholders to ensure that best practice is followed.
❁ Set annual, publicly communicated targets regarding our performance.
❁ Maximize the use of post consumer recycled timber.